Thursday, January 1, 2015

Oh you know the New Year New Beginning thing

It has been a while since my last blog. I miss being able to write down my thoughts. So much has happened in the past year. I am closer to finishing my Master's Degree. I am not allowing people to attempt to run my life any longer. I am going back to the person I enjoyed most. The person who followed the motto Everything Happens For A Reason. All the crap that has happened in the pass 6 months with my car had me stressed out of my mind to the point I was in constant argument with my husband over Stress is the root of all evil.

Happy New Year!!!

As we embark on the New Year beginnings I begin to wonder why do we celebrate New Year and have this need to get completely obliterated by the nights end?
Why do we "make" New Years resolutions only to never stick to that promise of change year after year?
We all know those who say "oh this is my year," "my resolution is going to the gym," "I am going to start eating healthy" just to never follow through. There are those who go to the gym religiously only to find as the New Year approaches the fitness gym is overflowed with these "new comers" which make their gym routines stressful.
I haven't made a New Years resolution in a long time because I know if I make this grand promise to myself only knowing after a month I will have broken my promise to myself. Each year begins and my hope is for my family and friends to be healthy.
This year is no different than the last. Life will have its ups and downs. If you chose to change yourself you can't make an excuse as it must be for New Years.
You want to change you must want to change that day. NO EXCUSES.
One thing I am guilty of is I start on my quest to a new me  only to fail 3 week later. I have been successful in eating healthier and getting my fitness on track. I realized why I fail often is because I take on too much, make excuses, and eat excessively. I know what I need to do to get back on track and I am going to do it. Not because its New Years but because I want to be healthy. I want to be fit.

I want to be Happy. I am going to be Happy. I will be Happy and no one is going to rain on my parade. I am the only one who can change myself for the better. I am the only one who can control my actions. I am a Spartan! Hear me roar!!!