Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Things are spectacular!!

I really mean it. 
We did have a little bump with Logan and a change in his med however he is doing much better and I think with his father calling him daily is helping with his mood. He loves his dad and for some reason he was believing that his father didn't care about him, having memories with him in the past, and is struggling with spending more time during the week days. I have explained to him that the summer will be different and he will be able to go every other week to his dads and that seems to make him feel better. So with his dad calling daily, his body adjusting, and reassuring him that everyone loves and cares about him is helping him through this bump all is turning out well with that.

Now about the wedding :)

Things are coming together as we have planned. We met with the DJ yesterday and we are pumped and believe we made the right choice. Pretty much everything is done except that I need to make the invitations but I still have some time yet for that. I am totally excited to finally be getting married! I never thought that I would be getting married. I never wanted to get married just because I seen my mother and my sister go through it and I just didn't want that. I thought I knew what love was, I spent 5 years with Lexi's dad and 4 1/2 years with Logan's dad and I really thought I loved them until I realized how unhealthy our relationships were. When I met Jeremiah I didn't want another relationship, I mean come on 2 failed relationships with baby daddies and now I then I was a single mom of 2 children obviously I wasn’t meant for successful relationships. But here we are 6 years later and still together and going to be getting married in less than 6 months!

I have found the ONE!!
I know that he is the one for me and the one I plan to be with for the rest of our lives. I love being with him, yes there are times where I beg him to leave so that I don't kill him lol. Of coarse our relationship isn't all rainbows and butterflies, our relationship is different from many others but we know how to work out our differences and fix them. I am a female and females are hard to live with we complicate everything, over analyze everything, and complain about everything. If you say you don't then that a foolish lie. I know I am not easy to live with but the two of us together is an amazing experience.

Seriously he is my everything
I never believed in sole mates until I met Jeremiah. He is quite the opposite of me in many ways. He calms me down when I am stressed out, he is there for me when I am sad, and the best of all he is there to make fun of me when I fall. It can't get any better than that. I couldn't live without him.

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